Wednesday 19 September 2012

Je suis grande!

So what better way to celebrate my two week achievement than visit the most beautiful city in the world! And what better way to make it all seem totally not worthwhile than putting on your favourite dress ready to scale the Eiffel Tower and finding it no longer fits. Not even close.
I had Jack trying his best to force the zip but it just wouldn't budge, but determined me was going to get into it. Lets just say after a LOT of struggling, tears and even blood on beautiful cream dress, I still ended up in a heap on the floor in my underwear.
Since when does not purging make you so fat? I wasn't expecting massive effects straight away, God I feel terrible.
But the main part of the story- I still didn't do 'it'! Even I'm surprised that didn't push me to.
Once I'd recovered from the dress trauma and put on another (fitting) one, we headed out of the hotel for the start of our 5 day 'tour de France' (without the bikes of course, just amazing buildings and food).
Paris is most definitely amazing.
I've just now returned from my second day and have already climbed the Eiffel Tower, wandered around Notre Dame, played piano in the oldest hospital in Paris, which was weirdly open as a tourist attraction even though it still had patients, climbed what seemed like a million steps to the top of la Sacre-Coeur to see one of the most amazing views of my life, watched artists paint in Montmartre and stood outside the Moulin Rouge (if I had a spare €130 I'd have been on the inside).
Not bad for so little time eh?
My legs have never been in more pain in my life though, and my feet are definitely paying for all the walking and climbing they've been subjected to.
You never know, maybe my dress will fit me again by Friday!

1 comment:

  1. Amusez-vous bien a Paris!

    You deserve to enjoy yourself, you've worked so hard x
