Monday, 24 September 2012

Back to Earth

My Paris bubble has officially burst and I am back home and at university. It's been three weeks and I'm still going strong so far but now I'm back here I'm worried I'm going to slip into the old routines, being able to binge and purge and nobody ever suspecting a thing and not having to try so hard to hide it- throwing up can easily be disguised as a hangover to students!
It's been such a battle and I can't stop thinking about it.
Jack's been round my flat every night even when we've not spent the day together, he says it's because he's not used to being alone at night after being constantly together in Paris and a bit before that, but I think he wants to sort of get in the way of me doing it.
I could get annoyed but I'm not, I love the fact he's being so sweet and good God I love spooning at bedtime!
Freshers week is rubbish this year, after the hospital incident which led to the outing of my eating disorder and this blog, I was told by the doctors not to drink and I've realised I don't like the person I am with alcohol anyway. But it's just so boring without it! The only thing that can make dubstep sound bearable is a lot of shots, and even then it's enough to make me just purge right in the middle of the dance floor anyway! I feel so old, what happened to party Charli??
I guess change can be good sometimes?...

1 comment:

  1. I think it's a good thing spending your nights with your boyfriend. Now that you've gone 3 weeks without B/P, you should avoid putting youself in situations where you are free to overeat. It's not worth it. Imagine how far you've come, three weeks!!! That's amazing! Don't give up.

    Ebba. x
